Kia ora!
Well! I have been productive lately lmao I've had to be; our beloved idiot kitten Axle got sick. Badly sick- middle ear infection sick, which is bad news for cats. It's incredibly difficult to treat and we've blown through most of our savings to save him; no regrets though! he is the goofiest little baby and we love him <3 But we gotta start recuperating costs since we're off to Australia in November, so I've been burning the midnight oil and I have some goodies for you all <3
First up! Our eternally popular hair swords are back in stock, and we have a new design joining them! Alongside our lily of the valley and strawberry swords we have Halcyon, our God of Time, in all his eyeball-y goodness.

They're selling alarmingly fast, so if you joined us after Arma especially for them, grab them while you can!
Secondly, and I'm very excited about this, I am SO PROUD to show off our brand new character candles!
We have Aris, Klein, Lai, Ryan, Halcyon, and Al currently in stock, with loads more to come. They're made of 100% soy wax, come with crystal embeds, and they smell phenomenal. I can hardly believe I made them myself! It did take some trial and error (found out the hard way that if the wax is too hot when you add the scent it releases it all at once and fumigates the house) but the feedback has started coming in and I've got it right! We have small size (about 150g/4oz) and medium sizes (about 300g/8oz) and I'll soon have wooden wick medium candles as well! They're all hand poured, labels illustrated and designed in house, decorated by me, and sealed with a wax seal for those of you who collect them.

I also made some little red dragon soaps, just to clear out some old stock of mine :3 they're a solo run, so once they're gone they're gone for good at $5 a pop.
We have an official Lai.
The incredibly beautiful and talented Alastor is working with us as a cosplayer and he is the perfect embodiment of Lai; it's absolutely uncanny, I can't get over how much he looks and sounds just like my boy. Working in collaboration, Alastor and I will be creating some amazing, gorgeous photographs for our Patreon at some point in the future, and you may get the pleasure of meeting him in person at conventions depending on whatever the future might hold.
Just look at how stunning he is:

Right, I better get back into it; writing the third book officially kicks into high gear tonight and I have a bottle of rum crooning to me like a siren from my desk.
Nga mihi nui!